Testimonials from Our Patients

        "Not realizing, at the time, the benefits I could reap through the NATURAL art and science of chiropractic treatment, I chuckled at a friend who suggested I see a chiropractor. A chiropractor!  Well, I’m certainly singing a different tune today!  After 3 months of treatment with Dr. DeCubellis, I continue to be amazed with the overall results I’ve achieved.

        Not only do I no longer have back pain, but my stress level is much more manageable, my blood pressure is within a normal range, and as a result, my primary care physician gave me the green light to stop taking HBP medication!  And, I’ve lost 30 pounds my posture has greatly improved!  Who would have ever thought I could substantially reduced my risk of heart attack and stroke by seeking chiropractic care. Certainly not me! While I don’t directly attribute all that I’ve achieved entirely and fully to my care with Dr. DeCubellis, I know without a doubt the re-eduction and stabilization of subluxations have had a remarkable affect on my overall health.  And now that I understand the connection the spine and nerves have to my entire body and that my entire body is controlled or affected by the nervous system, it just all makes NATURAL perfect sense!

        Dr. DeCubellis, thank you for educating me about chiropractic treatment and for providing me with such professional and NATURAL, drug free care.  And of course, for your never-ending coaching and encouragement along the way! It was you who inspired me to change my bad eating habits. Yes! Patients of Dr. DeCubellis can expect to hear and learn about making positive changes in their lives. 

        I share my story in the hopes that others, like me, will realize that the benefits of chiropractic care are unlimited and affect your entire well-being.  The days of seeing a chiropractor just for a back ache are long gone!  Today…chiropractic care treats the mind, body and soul NATURALLY."

       - Deb M, Warwick

         "For over two years I suffered with chronic neck pain from an injury I received when I jammed my neck on my car's sun visor. I tried everything, going to the Pain Center for trigger point injections and numerous other involved techniques. The pain was constant. I was distracted from almost everything in my daily routine.

        Then I made an appointment with Dr. Doug at the recommendation of someone in my church. After just two months of treatment the pain was gone, never to return. That was two years ago, and I am still pain free! Every time I pass Dr. Doug's office on Tiogue ave I feel a sense of gratitude for the highly effective treatment I received under his care. I can't recommend him enough."

       - Pastor Dave LaChance - Christian Hill Community Church

       "Ever since coming to see Dr. D, my back feels great! I find that I can walk better, I feel better about myself and my activity level has increased."

       - Linda Blackwood, Coventry

       "Every morning I would wake up with lower back pain. After a steady schedule with Dr. DeCubellis my back feels strong and pain-free. I would highly recommend chiropractic."

       - David Cerullo, Coventry

       "I would like to start by thanking Dr. DeCubellis for his help; he is very good at what he does. Dr. D had me feeling a lot better in a few weeks without any medication. The first time I came to the office, I was nervous, but Dr. D was very informative. He explained everything to me and caused me no additional pain getting me back on the road to recovery. I am very satisfied with his services and would recommend him to anyone."

       - Gary Adams, Coventry

       "Thank you for giving me the gift of health! I was in constant pain. My neck, shoulders and hands hurt all of the time from arthritis. I had tried everything…nothing relieved the pain. One of the pills almost ruined me. Thank God I found you. I can’t even put into words how great I feel and how much I appreciate what you have done to me make me feel like my “old self”."

       - Fran C. North. Providence

       "After a small operation and chemotherapy, I was left with damaged nerve endings in my feet and fingers, I also had severe headaches. I developed lower back pain and was exahsted all day until I met Dr. Doug a chiropractor, more like a miracle worker. After a few visits with Dr. Doug I could not believe the results I got within a short time. My lower back pain disappeared. My headaches were almost totally gone. I no longer had to take two of my meds and reduced the other by half. I no longer feel exhausted, in fact I lose track of time doing things. I found fantastic results from chiropractic work. I can not find enough good things to say."

       - Pete K. Cumberland

       "I began seeing Dr. DeCubellis after suffering a serious spinal injury. I feel better, walk straighter and have less pain."

       - Beverly D. Warwick



       "I have seen great improvements in my posture and physical comfort, but also my energy levels and my mood. I have also noticed that I am not as susceptible to colds and other illnesses as in the past."

       - Mikko P. Newport


Notable Athletes who use Chiropractic and have this to say......



Dr DeCubellis is the Preferred Chiropractor to PPAC for over ten years and has helped performers from Allan Ruck (Ferris Buller's Day Off) , Anthony Field (WIGGLES) cast of The Lion King,  Mr. Earl Woods (Tiger's father RIP) and more.......